The generic camouflage colours as applied to the RAN Sea Otters were (see profiles for specific applications):
Extra Dark Sea Grey and Dark Sea Grey
Dark Sea Grey and Light Slate Grey (top of the upper wing and lower fuselage for airframes in the 'Shadow Compensating Scheme', in this case JN200.
Sky (used on lower surfaces)
The following artwork profiles were kindly provided by Steve Evans of Ronin Graphics to further illustrate the Ronin Limited Edition Decals for the different camouflage schemes and their variations such as JN200 in her delivery scheme and later service scheme with 723 Squadron, RAN.
Upper wing surfaces and upper fuselage - Extra Dark Sea Grey.
Lower wing surfaces and upper float surfaces - Extra Dark Sea Grey.
Wing under surfaces, fuselage sides and float bottoms - RAF Sky.
Supermarine Sea Otter RD914 profile via Steve Evans, Ronin Graphics
Upper surfaces of the wings and fuselage - Extra Dark Sea Grey and Dark Slate Grey.
Wing under surfaces, mid fuselage sides and floats - RAF Sky.
Supermarine Sea Otter RD917 profile via Steve Evans, Ronin Graphics
Upper wing surfaces and mid fuselage sides - Extra Dark Sea Grey and Dark Slate Grey.
Lower wing surfaces, lower fuselage sides and upper float surfaces - Dark Sea Grey and Light Slate Grey.
Wing under surfaces, keel and float bottoms - RAF Sky.
Supermarine Sea Otter JN200 delivery scheme profile via Steve Evans, Ronin Graphics
Upper wing surfaces, upper fuselage and upper floats - Extra Dark Sea Grey.
Lower wing surfaces - Extra Dark Sea Grey.
Wing under surfaces and fuselage sides - RAF Sky.
Supermarine Sea Otter JN200. 723 Sqn, HMAS Sydney profile via Steve Evans, Ronin Graphics